28 February - 1 March - New Haven - Governing Citizens’ Assemblies and Governing (With) AI, Yale
11-12 December - Cambridge, MA - IWORD, Harvard
3-6 October - Copenhagen, Denmark - Democracy R&D Annual Conference
20 September - New York - Fast Company Innovation Festival
10-13 September - The Hague, The Netherlands - DemocracyNext International Task Force on Democratising City Planning Meeting
6-8 September - Linz, Austria - Ars Electronica, Keynote speech
17-22 June - Athens, Greece - Obama Leaders Convening with former President Obama
5-7 June - Sintra, Portugal - The__Dream, House of Beautiful Business Conference
9 May - Mexico City - DemocracyNext event on Deliberative Democracy and the Next Democratic Paradigm, in collaboration with INE and iDeemos
10-11 March - LA, US - Democratizing Finance Workshop, Berggruen Institute
9 March - LA, US - Lunch and Learn about Citizens’ Assemblies, Berggruen Institute and Public Democracy LA
3 March - Seattle, US - The Next Democratic Paradigm, Seattle Town Hall
15 February - San Francisco, US - Can Citizens’ Assemblies Help Solve San Francisco’s Biggest Problems?
10-12 February - San Francisco, US - Tim O’Reilly’s Foo Camp
7 February - London, UK - London Office for Technology and Innovation Conference on Democratic Innovation
9 and 11 January - Aarhus and Copenhagen, Denmark - The Next Democratic Paradigm public events
7-8 December - Cambridge, US - International Workshop on Reimagining Democracy, Harvard
24-25 November - Geneva, Switzerland - UN Forum on Human Rights, Democracy, and Rule of Law (read remarks here)
7-9 November - Strasbourg, France - World Forum for Democracy
15 October - Lodz, Poland - Freedom Games
13 October - Berlin, Germany - Progressive Governance Summit
28-30 September - Athens, Greece - Athens Democracy Forum
20-21 September - Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina - European Conference on Democratic renewal, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe
15 September - Online - DemocracyNext Launch Event
7-9 September - Oxford, UK - Citizens’ Assemblies for the Climate Conference, Oxford and CNRS
5-8 July - Bard College, New York - Citizen Assemblies Summer School
14 June - Berlin - Keynote Speech at Common Ground Launch Event - Robert Bosch Stiftung
7 June - San Sabastian - The Deliberative Wave in the World - Arantzazulab, Giupzkoa Provincial Council, TMeLab, Deliberativa
5-6 May - Florence - A Europe Fit For the Next Generation?, European University Institute State of the Union Conference
13 April - Online - Recommendations and Democracy: A Way Forward, Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center
31 March - Online - Nesta talks to... Claudia Chwalisz and Jon Alexander about Citizen Power
15 February - Online - Evaluating and institutionalising representative deliberative processes, Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, University of Canberra and OECD
6 December - Online - A permanent EU Citizens’ Assembly: Why, When, How?, European University Institute
2 December - Online - Making Better Policies in Complex Systems: Experiences from Food Systems, OECD
1 December - Online/Gipuzkoa - Launch of Arantzazulab and OECD Collaboration on Deliberative Democracy
9 November - Strasbourg - Can Democracy Save the Environment?, Council of Europe’s World Forum for Democracy
29 October - Online - Where is Finland on the Deliberative Wave?, PALO (Participation in Long-Term Decision-Making) research project
13 October - Paris - Convention Citoyenne Pour le Climat et après ?, Démocratie Ouverte
8-9 October - Geneva - Geneva Science and Diplomacy Accelerator (GESDA) Summit, Enriching Science with Citizen Voices and Values Panel (8 Oct - Video) and Can AI Make Art Pieces? Panel (9 Oct)
6 October - Online - Launch of EU Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
5 October - Online - Lessons to Learn from Experimentation in the Political Arena for Democratizing Work, Global Forum on Democratizing Work
29 September - 1 October - Athens - Harnessing the Tools of Democracy, Athens Democracy Forum, Democracy and Culture Foundation and The New York Times (Video)
17 September - Online - Quelle gouvernance des transitions ? Democratic Society / CNCD, Rencontres nationales de la participation
8 September - Online - Lessons for climate democracy, Pakhuis de Zwijger
23 June 2020 - Online - La vague délibérative en Belgique, Royal Academy of Belgium
19 May - Online - Neurotechnology in and for society: Deliberation, stewardship and trust, OECD virtual workshop hosted by the Swiss delegation
26 March - Online - Mini-publics and parliaments roundtable, International Parliament Engagement Network
2 March - Online - Panel, COVID-19 and public debate - Lessons learned and preparedness, Council of Europe Committee on Bioethics
22 February - Online - Panel, Can citizens’ councils strengthen democracy? German launch event with OECD Berlin Centre
8 December - Online - Panel, Parliaments and Democratic Innovations, European Parliament, the European Commission and INTERPARES- Parliaments in Partnership
4 December - Online - Workshop, Open Democracy and New Democratic Institutions, Government of Iceland and University of Iceland
30 November - Online - Deliberativt demokrati, Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy, We Do Democracy and Dansk Arkitektur Center
25 November - Online - Llega la ola deliberativa / Arriba l'onada deliberativa, Deliberativa and Generalitat de Catalunya
22 November - Online - Panel, Driving the Human Festival, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design
19 November - Online - Breakout session, “Make Democracy Great at Last”, Dreamocracy, Civic Hall Brussels, Liberté Living Lab, CitizenLab and Policy Lab
19 November - Online - Scottish Launch Event of OECD Catching the Deliberative Wave report, Open Government Scotland and University of Edinburgh
20 October - Online - Participation citoyenne innovante: La vague délibérative, Rencontres de la participation citoyenne, Décider Ensemble
13 October - Online - Catching the Deliberative Wave: Q&A with report authors, European Week of Regions and Cities, European Commission
8 October - Online - Panel, Active Democracy in Times of Emergency, RSA
9 September - Online - APSA Roundtable, Addressing Threats to Democracy with Citizens Assemblies: Challenges of Success, American Political Science Association
8 September - Online - Panel Citizenship: Importance of Collaborative Action, 3rd International Forum: Democracy and Elections, Instituto Electoral del Estado de Queretaro, Mexico
16 July - Online - Canadian Launch Event of OECD Catching the Deliberative Wave report, MASS LBP and OECD
16 July - Online - Academic Launch Event of OECD Catching the Deliberative Wave report, ECPR Democratic Innovations Standing Group
17 June - Online - Beyond Voting: The Benefits of Representativeness and Deliberation, Event at Progressive Governance Digital Summit
10 June - Online - Launch of OECD report Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: Catching the Deliberative Wave
6 February - Brussels - "Engaging Citizens for Good Governance in Cohesion Policy", Conference organised by Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy of the European Commission (DG REGIO)
5 December - Canberra, Australia - "Deliberative democratic Prospects? International and Australian experience", Centre for Deliberative Democracy & Global Governance at University of Canberra, Museum of Australian Democracy
3 December - Canberra, Australia - "Institutionalising Mini-Public Deliberation in Public Decision Making", Seminar at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy & Global Governance as part of University of Canberra's Distinguished International Visitor Program
25 November - London - "Bringing the public into data policy debates: Where next?", Workshop organised by the Royal Society and the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, Royal Society
23 October - Paris - Debate about how to foster citizen participation at local level, Eurocities, Hôtel de Ville
17 October - Bristol, UK - "Renewing Democracy", panel at the Festival of the Future City with Ece Temelkuran, Darren Hughes, Michele Acuto, and Michael Kenny
10 October - Berlin - "Deliberative Democracy: How to involve citizens in public decision-making", Inspire talk at Innocracy conference, Das Progressive Zentrum
12 September - Paris - Panel on citizen participation and representation, Decidim Jam, Open Source Politics
23 August - Edinburgh - "Deliberative Democracy: The Real 'People's Vote'", panel at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, King's College London Policy Institute
15 July - New York - "Democracy & the SDGs", moderating event with the UN Deputy Secretary General, Jay Naidoo, Jyotsna Mohan Singh and Thomas Carothers, organised by UN Democracy Fund and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation
30 May - Ottawa - "Expanding the Use of Citizen Assemblies and Panels at the National, Regional, and Local Levels", Challenge clinic organised by MASS LBP at the Open Government Partnership Summit. Slides by all presenters available here.
7 May - Brussels - "Citizens First: EU Citizens Consultations, What's Next?", European Committee of the Regions
10 April - Milan
"The Politics of Design", speech on design and post-governance, Triennale di Milano, Vitra Design Museum
Image credit: Julian Oliver, Transparency Grenade, 2012 © Julian Oliver, photo: Khuong Bismuth, illustration: Daniel Streat
20 March - Paris - "The Knowledge Economy", respondent at OECD roundtable with Roberto Unger and Nesta
20 March - Paris - "Inclusive Governance: Bringing all voices on board for the design and delivery of public policies and services", The Impacts of Civic Technology Conference, mySociety
1-3 February - Rome - "Looking for system fixes and innovations", presentation at the Mercator European Dialogue
24 January - London - "How to Build Political Start-Ups", respondent at event with Josef Lentsch, RSA. The podcast is available here.
6 December - London - Chairing at King's College London YTL Law & Justice Forum: Democracy and Citizen Participation
27 November - Brussels - "Citizens' Assemblies to Renew Engagement" panel at the European Parliament, Europe for Citizens
8 November - Brussels - "Citizens' Consultations: Image campaign or effective democracy tool?", panel with Joachim Ott, Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul, Anja Trebes, Federico Guerrieri and Jirí Buriánek, EuroPCom conference
7 November - Paris - Presentation about long-form deliberative processes to Les Interconnectés
4-5 October - Cadenabbia, Italy - Expert workshop on Democratic Resilience and Renewal, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
13-14 September - Zurich - "Using Behavioural Insights to Engage Citizens in Policy Making", paper presentation at University of Zurich and DemocracyNet workshop on "Democratic participation: theoretical and empirical perspectives"
6 September - London - "Citizens' Assemblies: Lessons From Recent
Practice in the UK and Beyond" roundtable, International Conference of the Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group of the Political Studies Association
2 June - Amsterdam - "Understanding the Populist Turn" panel with Jan-Werner Müller, Paul Scheffer, Flavia Kleiner & Márton Gulyás, Forum on European Culture 2018
14 February - Paris - Guest intervention about deliberative democracy at Civic Tech & Democracy course, Sciences Po
23-24 November - Madrid - "How should civil society meet the challenge of populism?", EESC Conference on "The role of EU civil society in a globalised world of communications," European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
8-10 October - Prague, Czech Republic - "New forms of civic activism", New Civic Activism Network Conference, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
5-6 October - Bergen, Norway - "Populism: For better or for worse?", Comparative Politics Conference, University of Bergen
5 October - Bergen, Norway - "From exclusive to inclusive: Rethinking democracy in the 21st century", Presentation and panel discussion, Tanketinget
23 September - Gdansk, Poland - "The benefits of deliberation in participatory budgeting processes," Presentation to the Gdansk Citizens' Assembly
19 September - Paris, France - "What role should civil society and territories play in the future participatory conventions for Europe?", Europe and its Territories conference, Confrontations Europe
29 June - London, UK - "The role of deliberation in shaping the constitution," Power and People in the UK Constitution conference, Electoral Reform Society and APPG on Devolution, Decentralisation and Reform
15 June - Edinburgh, UK - 'The People's Verdict' launch event, What Works Scotland and the University of Edinburgh
14 June - Manchester, UK - 'The People's Verdict' launch event, Centre for Local Economic Studies (CLES) and Manchester Urban Institute
27 May - Bristol, UK - "Rebels and Radicals", panel discussion with Jamie Bartlett and Douglas Carswell, Bristol Festival of Ideas
10 April - Kiev, Ukraine - "Participatory democracy in th system of local self-governance," Verkhovna Rada Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-governance
22 March - London, UK - "The intergenerational divide in Italy: Young people left behind?", Panel discussion, LSE Italian Society
14 March - London, UK - "Reinvigorating democracy through random selection", panel discussion, Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster
24 February - Zagreb, Croatia - "What is populism?", opening speech, AEGEE conference
19 January - London, UK - "Teaching tomorrow's citizens", panel discussion, RSA